
Hager is a leading provider of solutions and services for electrical installations in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Hager offers a complete range of products and systems from energy distribution, cable management and office or workstation equipment, switches and home automation, as well as safety and security technology such as alarm systems, smoke detectors and motion detectors.

Tailored Solutions

To de­liver a per­fectly en­gin­eered res­ol­u­tion, we have a ded­ic­ated Tailored Solu­tions team that col­lab­or­ates with customers on their spe­cific pro­ject re­quire­ments. Man­aging the pro­cess through from con­cep­tion to com­ple­tion in line with cus­tomer need.

Ingeniously simple

Our products are important, but never over-the-top. If it’s not necessary, we leave it out. The essence remains. Straightforward in both form and function: simple to install, simple to use.

Innovation and systematic improvement of our products

The Hager brand stands out for its innovations and the systematic development of its products. The permanent objective is to be at the forefront of development with new developments and practical improvements.